Replacing any of your home’s HVAC units is always going to be a major expense. No matter what type of unit it is, you’re looking at spending at least a few thousand dollars. Although most HVAC units have an average lifespan of approximately 15 years, how long any unit actually ends up lasting can vary quite a bit. That’s why it’s a good idea to follow these basic tips to ensure your HVAC is properly maintained and you can get as many years of life out of it as possible.

1. Have a Certified Technician Service Your HVAC System Each Year

HVAC systems are like any other type of equipment and must be maintained regularly to work properly and last as long as possible. Just as you don’t want to neglect changing the oil in your car, you also don’t want to neglect getting your HVAC system professionally serviced.

Scheduling annual heating and air conditioning tune-ups is the easiest way to get as many years out of your HVAC as possible. The fact is that whether or not your HVAC is always properly maintained generally has the biggest impact on how long your air conditioner, furnace, heat pump, or mini-split will last. If your system isn’t properly maintained, it simply won’t cool or heat as well. That means you’ll end up with it running more and experiencing more wear and tear each year, which eventually shortens its lifespan.

Regular maintenance also makes a major difference in the energy efficiency of any HVAC system since the system will always use more energy any time it has to run longer than should be necessary. You can typically reduce how many repairs any heating or cooling system needs throughout its life and how much you have to spend on HVAC repairs just by making sure you have a technician service it every year.

There are various components in an HVAC system that will typically wear out more quickly than the other parts of the system. Nonetheless, one component that is beginning to fail can create issues that put additional strain on other parts of the system and create a risk of the system breaking down and requiring major repairs.

2. Schedule an Inspection Immediately When Any Issues Arise

The increased strain and additional wear and tear that result when an HVAC system isn’t working properly is why you should always monitor your home’s heating and cooling performance. Putting off getting your HVAC repaired is never a good idea since it will likely lead to other issues arising that lead to a further drop in performance and energy efficiency.

If your furnace, AC, or heat pump isn’t performing properly, there is also a risk of it overheating. Overheating is a serious concern since it could basically ruin the unit by causing the compressor to burn out or the furnace’s heat exchanger to crack. While a technician can replace these components, it’s rare that people choose to do so since it can potentially end up costing nearly as much as a brand-new unit.

If you notice that it’s starting to take your HVAC system longer to heat or cool your house to the right temperature than it used to, it’s a certain sign that something is preventing it from working effectively and it should be inspected. A potentially even bigger issue is if your HVAC starts short cycling, which is when it runs for less than 10 minutes and then turns back on fairly soon after shutting down.

Of all of the issues an HVAC system can have, short cycling is among those that can have the biggest effect on the system’s lifespan. While you don’t want your cooling or heating cycles to be too long, short cycling can be even worse due to how much strain constantly turning on and off puts on an HVAC system.

3. Replace or Wash the Air Filter Regularly

Whether you use disposable filters or a reusable filter in your HVAC system, you need to check the filter’s condition regularly so that you don’t end up waiting too long to replace or wash it. You’ll usually want to make sure you’re always putting in a new disposable filter or washing your reusable filter every two to three months, but sometimes you may need to do it more frequently.

If you don’t keep up with this essential maintenance task, you’ll encounter major issues with poor performance that can potentially cut years off the life of your HVAC unit. HVAC units are also more likely to overheat if the filter is too dirty, and you can end up with your air conditioning often freezing up as well.

4. Make Sure to Use the Correct Air Filter

Using an air filter that is too efficient or not efficient enough can also greatly shorten your HVAC system’s lifespan. The issue if the filter isn’t efficient enough is that it will result in much more dust and debris getting sucked into your HVAC system, which ends up decreasing its performance and forcing it to work harder.

Using a filter that is more efficient than your HVAC system was designed for is equally as bad since it can restrict the system’s air flow almost as much as if the filter is extremely clogged from never being replaced or washed. Most residential HVAC systems work best with a filter that is between MERV 8 and 12. If you’re unsure of how efficient of a filter you should be using, it’s best to ask the technician when having your system serviced.

5. Program Your Thermostat Correctly

Another way that you can increase how many years your HVAC lasts is to program your thermostat so your heating or cooling doesn’t run needlessly while you’re at work and when you’re sleeping. There is really no reason to keep your thermostat set to the same temperature during these times.

If you do, your energy bills will be higher and your HVAC will end up running much more every day. The effect that this will then have on the system’s lifespan should be fairly obvious since the more hours it runs each year, the fewer years it will last. This issue is why heating systems typically have a shorter lifespan in places with extremely cold winters and cooling systems don’t last as long in places that are much hotter and more humid.

6. Upgrade Your HVAC With a Smart Thermostat

If you want to take the hassle out of programming your thermostat, installing a smart thermostat is the best option. Many smart thermostats can essentially program themselves after learning your typical daytime and nighttime routines. The thermostat app also makes it simple to program your time and temperature settings in just a few seconds.

You can also use the app to adjust the settings from anywhere so that your HVAC doesn’t run more than needed when no one is home. Another advantage of having a smart thermostat is that you can set up the app so that you receive an alert when it’s time to change the air filter or schedule an annual tune-up. The app can even send you an alert if any issues arise or your HVAC unexpectedly shuts off so that you know you need to call for an inspection.

If you’re searching for an experienced HVAC company to handle all of your home’s heating and air conditioning needs, True Climate Heat + Air is the one to turn to. We’ve been serving the Oklahoma City Metro area since 2005, and our home comfort specialists are ready to help no matter whether you need HVAC maintenance, repairs, or installation. To learn more about how we can help you get the most out of your home’s heating and air conditioning or mini-split services, contact us today.

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